It is spring the best time for a detox cleanse, fast or just to get fit for the summer. I just did a 3 days water fast. Was not really the most pleasurable thing I ever did, and I would recommend to get a health check before or have somebody else who is guiding you or you do the fast together with somebody who has more experience with it. After that you will just feel like new born. It´s just great. Watch out that you wont eat uncontrolled after the fast, other wise it was all for nothing. The urge to eat healthy/more healthy is one of the great side effects of this fast though. Here is a link to an inspiring documentary (german!) that somebody recommended to me not long ago and was the kick that brought me to do it. Have a lovely day everybody. Namasté
A propos Namasté - Meditation is more intensive and "enlightening" and a special event during the fast.
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