Donnerstag, 10. April 2014

Changing your diet! About becoming vegan or raw.

If you decide that you want to try a vegan raw food or just vegan diet there are certain traps you should be aware of because they can make you easily fall back to your old eating habits. So, one thing I would like to talk about is the fact that a lot of people decide to change their diet but do not know enough about HOW they should change their eating habit and WHAT they should actually eat on their new diet. I would always recommend to go step by step which means that you should slowly integrate more and more vegan or raw food on a weekly basis. First you only eat raw in the morning and then some cooked vegan food for lunch or dinner and a big salad in between and then integrate weekly more  and more and see how you feel with it. There is so much to find out. You should really listen to your body during this time. Maybe you also talk to a doctor about this or get some professional help by a nutritionist. It helps if you do it with somebody together or find a community (maybe on facebook or in your neighborhood) and build up a support system this way. Be careful with just jumping into it. Your body might react very strongly to this change and in order to prevent this you should make it a step by step program. Detox reactions from this diet can be really strong and disturbing and if you are not on vacation you might not like to go to work with a rash or eczema which are things that can happen while detoxing. It can also have side effects like exhaustion, make sure you create the right frame to start. 

One thing that really upsets me is when I see people committing to a vegan diet and then buy everyday some sort of tofu or soy product in the shape of a chicken or chicken nuggets or meat balls. First of all, I really do not think it is healthy to eat this much tofu or any soy products at all. To be honest I think you should really avoid them, they are environmentally bad, the production of soy is so vast it takes away land from people and soy is really badly genetically modified. But the MAIN issue of this behavior is that you did not really make a decision to change your diet or lifestyle. You are just replacing the meat or eggs or whatever. Most of these people find themselves after a while very tired, out of energy, and altogether not in a good shape. And on top of that they are bored by the food. So they might end up having their blood checked finding out that they have some deficiencies and see their only solution to this in going back to their old diet and telling everybody that a vegan diet is not good for you. Well, unfortunately this person has no idea of what a vegan diet really is. If you want to eat a vegan diet you HAVE to inform yourself. You will end up reading more than one book about it or take some cooking classes, watch youtube videos on this etc. I am not saying you should change your whole life but in order to get the best out of this really great diet you should definitely make sure you get all the vitamins, minerals, fats etc. that your body needs and that includes eating a lot of vegetables, nuts, fruits, dried fruits... Try to avoid too much fat - or let´s say bad fats - this is another big trap! Do you know how much fat vegan cheese has? I am not going to tell you. Look it up next time you buy it. I am not saying throw it all in the bin but be careful of what you put into your body. Eat as much natural food as possible. Get as much information as possible about what you are eating. If you do not know some of the ingredients don´t buy the product. Get creative and enjoy this process. Enjoy finding out all these new wonderful recipes. And enjoy the change in your body that happens if you commit and follow a vegan or raw food diet. Have fun with this. Make it fun and find out what works well for you and what doesn´t. We all work differently. 

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