Montag, 31. März 2014

Grünkernsuppe vegan! Vegan unripe spelt grain soup!

One of my favorites. Eine meiner Lieblingssuppen.

Ingredients (for 4 people):
For the broth: Für die Brühe:
- 1/4 celeriac / 1/4 Sellerieknolle
- 2 garlic cloves / 2 Knoblauchzehen
- 1 carrot / 1 Möhre
- 2 onions / 2 Zwiebeln
- 1/4 Tsp Salt / 1/4 TL Salz
- 2L of Water / 2L Wasser
Put all the ingredients in a pot and cook for 45 min. Pour through a colander afterwards. Alle Zutaten in einen Topf geben und 45 min. kochen. Danach die Brühe durch ein Sieb geben.

Then you will need:
- 1 leek / 1 Porreestange
- 1/4 of a cup of red wine / 1/4 Tasse Rotwein
- 250g shortly grinded unripe spelt grain (should be chunky) / 250 g grob gemahlene Grünkerne
- a dash of nutmeg / 1 Prise Muskatnuss
- 1/2 Tsp pepper / 1/2TL Pfeffer
- a handful of spinach (only if you have fresh spinach) / eine Handvoll Spinat (nur frisch)
- 2Tbsp of olive oil / 2EL Olivenöl

Clean the leek and cut into slice. Fry shortly in a big pot. Add the red wine until it vaporizes. Add the unripe spelt grain. Stir a few times. Add the broth you made before. Stir for a while so that the grinded grains don´t stick together. Add nutmeg and pepper. Smoothly boil for 25min. Turn of the heat. Add the washed spinach on top. Close the pot and wait another 10-15min. Ready.

Porree waschen und in Streifen schneiden. Kurz in einem großen Topf anbraten. Gib den Rotwein hinzu und warte bis er fast vollständig verdampft ist. Rühre das Grünkernpulver hinein. Gieße die Brühe in den Topf und rühre eine Weile damit das Grünkernpulver nicht verklumpt. Die Suppe 25min. köcheln lassen. Den Ofen ausstellen und den gewaschenen Spinat oben auflegen. Den Deckel schließen und 10-15min. warten. Fertig.

One tip for people who eat dairy products. If you add a Tsp of goat yoghurt on top of each soup it tastes really nice.

Ein kleiner Tipp. Wenn ihr Milchprodukte esst - es schmeckt sehr gut, wenn ihr einen TL Ziegenyoghurt auf eine Portion Suppe gebt.

Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Rohvolution. Raw food fair Berlin.

Rohkost Falafel mit Teriyaki, Raw Food Falafel with Teriyaki

The Entrance, Eingang zur Messe

Homemade potatoes with freshly bought Spirulina Chili Chrunch, Hausgemachte Kartoffeln mit meinen soeben erworbenen Spirulina Chili Crunch

What I bought. Meine kleine Ausbeute

Outside the Fair - a strong opposition. Vor dem Messeglände - eine starke Opposition!

Samstag, 29. März 2014

Hazelnut milk; Haselnussmilch

Soak a handful of hazelnuts over night. Wash in the morning. Add 0,5L of Water and a little Stevia or Vanilla or Agave syrup. Blend. Pour through a nut milk bag. And enjoy maybe with Desi´s special ice cream smoothie or healthy simple breakfast with chia seeds. Have a lovely week end.

Eine Handvoll Haselnüsse über Nacht in Wasser einlegen. Morgens kurz waschen. 0,5L Wasser und etwas Stevia oder Vanille oder Agavensirup dazugeben. Mixen z.B. mit Stabmixer. Durch einen Nussmilchbeutel geben. fertig. Genieße die Nussmilch z.B. mit Desi´s Spezial-Eiscreme-Smoothie oder meinem gesundem Frühstück mit Chia Samen. Hab ein schönes Wochenende.

Freitag, 28. März 2014

Water Kefir! Wasserkefir!

Water Kefir is a probiotic fermented beverage with beneficial bacteria. It is made of water, sugar, some dried fruits and japanese kefir crystal grains. These grains process the sugar and transform it into enzymes, B vitamins and beneficial acids. A small rest of the sugar remains though. All in all it becomes a lovely, fizzy lemonade if you will, but you do not have to feel bad consuming it. It boosts your immune system, is beneficial to your digestion and has many other health benefits. The grains will grow and you can give them to your friends and family or make huge amounts of it. I will attach a link to where you can buy them. (Contains 0,2-2,0% alcohol)

Wasserkefir. Das Wasser der Hundertjährigen.
Wasserkefir ist ein fermentiertes, probiotisches Getränk, das mit heilsamen Bakterien angereichert ist. Es wird aus Wasser, Zucker, Trockenfrüchten und der Kefirkultur hergestellt, dabei verwandeln die Kefirkristalle den Zucker in Enzyme, B-Vitamine und Säure. Ein kleiner Restzuckeranteil bleibt bestehen. Es schmeckt wie leckere, kohlsäurehaltige Limonade, die man aber guten Gewissens konsumieren kann. Immunsystem und Verdauung werden dadurch gefördert und auch ansonsten wirkt es sich rundum positiv auf die Gesundheit aus. Die Kefirkultur wird sich vermehren und du kannst sie an Freunde und Familie verschenken. Unten werde ich einen Link einfügen, wo du den Kefir online bestellen kannst. (Enthält 0,2-2,0% Alkohol)

How to make the Kefir:
Pour 1 liter of filtered Water into a glass bottle or container. Add 3 Tbsp of brown sugar to it and stir until the sugar dissolved. Add 3 Tbsp of the kefir crystals. Add 1/2 cup of raisins(or other dried fruits) and half a lemon. Wash the lemon before. Put a cloth on top of the bottle and put somewhere not exposed to a lot of sunlight. Wait for 3 days. Take out the raisins and lemon and pour through a colander into a bottle. Keep the lemonade in the fridge and repeat the whole process. Wash the crystals before you start new. One important thing: THE KEFIR SHOULD NEVER!!! COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL!

Löse 3TL Zucker in einem Liter gefiltertem Wasser auf. Füge 3TL Kefirkultur hinzu. Füge dann noch eine halbe Tasse Rosinen(oder andere Trockenfrüchte) und eine halbe gewaschene Zitrone hinzu. Verschließe die Flasche mit einem Tuch, das du mit einem Gummi befestigst. Stelle es an einen warmen, schattigen Ort. Warte 3 Tage. Entferne dann Rosinen und Zitrone. Schütte die Limonade durch ein Sieb in ein anderes Behältnis. Wasche den Kefir und beginne von neuem. GANZ WICHTIG: DER KEFIR DARF NIE NIEMALS MIT METALL IN BERÜHRUNG KOMMEN!

Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

Food combining. Essen richtig kombinieren.

Food combining: If you eat a raw food diet you might come across food combining. It is said that not all fruits and vegetables go well together and can cause some issues like belly ache for example (too much gas). Some fruits or veggies digest faster than others and then ferment in your stomach. This is why they recommend so called mono meals (you just eat ONE fruit a meal). In general I would also recommend not to get too crazy when mixing fruits and vegetables together.
Here is a link to a fruit combining chart in the link below that might help you to make the best choices. Experiment with it and see how you feel. Happy blending 

Die Tabelle aus dem Link, den du unten sehen kannst, hilft dir Obst und Gemüse besser zu kombinieren. In der Rohkost wird empfohlen, nicht zu viele Früchte zusammen zu mischen. Vielleicht hast du schon mal bemerkt, dass dir gewissen Kombinationen einfach nicht bekommen und z.B. Bauchschmerzen verursachen, es drückt und zwickt. Einige Obst- oder Gemüsesorten werden einfach viel schneller verdaut als andere, was zum Fermentieren im Magen führen kann. Generell ist es besser bei der Zubereitung von Smoothies beispielsweise, nicht komplett durchzudrehen und alles was im Kühlschrank dort hinein zu hauen. Experimentiere ein wenig damit und schau, was für dich am besten funktioniert. Vielleicht verträgst du den Bananen-Erdbeer-Smoothie ja doch wunderbar

Another Wonderful Green Smoothie. Noch ein leckerer grüner Smoothie

This is in it: Du brauchst:
- 1 Mango /1 Mango
- 2 Bananas / 2 Bananen
- a handful of spinach / 1 Handvoll Spinat
- 2 dates / 2 Datteln

Aaaaaaaaaaand - BLEND. Ab in den Mixer. hmmmm
Enjoy the sun, get your Vitamin D.

Mittwoch, 26. März 2014

Mashed Potatoes with raw spinach, Kartoffelpüree mit Spinat

Your vegan lunch.
Looks fancy but easy to make. Impress your friends.

Dein veganes Mittagessen.
Sieht schick aus aber ist einfach zu machen. Beeindruck deine Freunde.

You need (per person):
- 5-8 potatoes / Kartoffeln
- a handful of spinach / eine Handvoll Spinat
- 150g mushrooms / Pilze
- 2 Tbspolive oil / 2 TL Oliven Öl
- salt, pepper / Salz und Pfeffer

Cook the peeled potatoes for 25-30min. Add 1 Tbsp of olive oil and a pinch of salt and mash them. Clean mushrooms and cut into pieces. Fry the mushrooms and add a pinch of pepper. Wash and dry the spinach and cut into small stripes. Layer using a cookie cutter or another ring form. Feel like a King/Queen and enjoy.

Geschälte Kartoffeln 25-30min. kochen. Danach einen TL Olivenöl und eine Prise Salz zufügen und zu Brei verarbeiten. Säubere die Pilze und schneide sie in Scheiben. Brate sie kurz an, etwas Pfeffer drüber geben. Spinat waschen und trocknen und in Streifen schneiden. Nimm eine runde Form und schichte Kartoffelpüree, Spinat und Pilze darin. Entferne die Form. Iss wie ein/e König/in!

Viel Spaß!

Montag, 24. März 2014

Desi´s Special Raw Choco Ice Cream Smoothie! Desis Rohkost Schoko-Eiscreme Spezial-Smoothie!

For extra energy!
You won´t need any coffee anymore!
Raw cacao is considered to be a superfood because it is so high in vitamins and minerals and gives you so much ENERGYYYYYYYY!!!

Mit roher Schokolade für extra Energie!
Danach brauchst du echt keinen Kaffee mehr. Dieser Spezialdrink wird mit rohem Kakaopulver gemixt, das zu den Superfoods gezählt wird. Kakaopulver ist sehr reich an Vitaminen und Mineralien und gibt dir darum die SUPERENERGIE!

You need (per person)
* 1 cup of almond milk/ 1 Tasse Mandelmilch
* 2 dates / 2 Datteln
* 1 banana / 1 Banane
* 1 Tbsp of chia seeds / 1 EL Chia Samen
* 1/2 Tsp of cinnamon / 1/2 TL Zimt
* Tbsp of raw cacao powder / 1 TL rohes Kakaopulver

**************Blend all together************

Alles ab in den Mixer und fertig. 

Sonntag, 23. März 2014

Toothpaste! Zahnpasta!

Make your own toothpaste.
I know I know, I sounds really weird, and you might have to get used to it, but once you are there you will like it and really feel the difference. Regular toothpastes contain fluorides which can cause health issues. I like to know what is in my toothpaste, food, creams or shampoos. That´s why I like to make these products myself. One of the main ingredients that I really rely on is coconut oil. Coconut oil is basically all I use to moisturize my skin. Remember everything that you put on your skin goes into your body. If I see ingredients that I do not know I do not use them.

Mach deine eigene Zahnpasta. Ja ich weiß, es klingt ein bisschen komisch und schmeckt vermutlich zuerst auch nicht so prickelnd, aber wenn du dich erstmal daran gewöhnt hast, wird dir die herkömmliche Zahnpasta komisch erscheinen. Da gebräuchliche Zahnpasta Fluorid enthält, was Gesundheitsschäden verursachen kann, bin ich auf selbst gemachte Zahnpasta umgestiegen. Ich weiß halt lieber, was die Produkte, die ich verwende enthalten. Sei es Zahnpasta, Essen, Creme oder Shampoo. Darum mach ich es lieber selbst. Was ich dabei nicht mehr wegdenken kann ist Kokosnussöl, was ich auch ausschließlich für meine Haut verwende. Denn alles was du auf deine Haut schmierst gelangt auch in den Körper und die Blutlaufbahn. Also achte auf das, was du dir zufügst.

So here is your toothpaste:
- 1 small cup of coconut oil / 1 kleine Tasse Kokosnussöl
- 1 Tbsp of baking soda (organic) / 1 EL Backpulver (bio)
- 5 drops tea tree oil / 5 Tropfen Teebaumöl

Heat up water in a pot to about 40 degrees and put a pot/cup with the coconut oil inside. Wait until it becomes liquid and take it out of the pot. Add the baking soda and tea tree oil. Stir and keep stirring now and then until the coconut oil went back to its hard consistency. this way the baking soda does not only sit at the bottom of the pot.

Erhitze das Wasser in einem Topf auf ca. 40 Grad. Stelle den Topf oder die Tasse mit dem Kokosnussöl dort hinein. Warte bis sich da Öl verflüssigt. Nimm es aus dem Topf und verrühre es mit dem Backpulver und dem Teebaumöl. Das Öl wird jetzt wieder härter. Verrühre immer mal wieder, so dass sich das Backpulver nicht unten am Topf ablagert. 

Samstag, 22. März 2014


Soak 2-3 Tbsp of chia seeds in your almond milk over night or for at least one hour. Add some vanilla. Cut one banana into pieces and add to the soaked chia seeds. Sprinkle with some cinnamon.

Chia Samen über Nacht oder für eine 1Std. in Mandelmilch quellen lassen. Evtl. etwas Vanille hinzufügen. Eine Banane in Stücke schneiden und den gequollen Chia Samen zufügen. Etwas Zimt drüber streuen. Fertig. 

Freitag, 21. März 2014

Vegan Dinner! Pak Choi, Coriander and Sesame seeds.

You need ( for 2 people):

- 350-400g Pak Choi
- 150g Broccoli
- 1/2 cup of fresh coriander
- 150g mushrooms
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1/2 a Tsp soy sauce
- 2 Tbsp sesame seeds
- 6-8 potatoes
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 lemon
- pepper
For people who like Tofu or Seitan this could be nice with this dish.

Clean and wash the vegetables and cut them into pieces, also the garlic. If you have organic potatoes do not peel them and cook them for 20-30min. Steam the pak choi, broccoli and mushrooms with the garlic. Put into a bowl and add soy sauce, olive oil, coriander, lemon juice and a pinch of pepper. Mix it all a bit up. Add the sesame seeds on top. Put the potatoes on the side and cut them into pieces.
This is a delicious, simple and healthy meal. Try it out.
Have fun when you cook, listen to some music and invite some friends. Enjoy your friday night and enjoy what you eat. Bon Appetite. 

Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

Green Juice for Power!

GREEN JUICE! I hope you have a juicer...because this juice is going lift you up to the sky...High in Vitamin B, good for skin and hair and supposed to help with cholesterol and blood pressure problems.

Juice me up. Here we go. You need:
- 1 cucumber
- 4-5 kale leaves
- 1 grapefruit
- a small piece of ginger

For all people who do not have a juicer and consider buying one. I have this one here and it was once a special offer (77 Euros). I can really recommend it but feel free to spend more.
Saw it on ebay for 80 Euros. Here is the link in case you are interested.

Mittwoch, 19. März 2014


RAW FALAFEL! So so delicious.
Have you got your sprouts ready? You will need them for this recipe. As I spend some time in the Middle East I gave my best to make this recipe super flavorful.

ROHE FALAFEL! Sehr sehr lecker.
Habt ihr eure Sprossen gezogen? Für dieses Rezept werdet ihr sie brauchen. Ich habe die Einflüsse, die ich von meinen Reisen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten mitgebracht habe in dieses Rezept einfließen lassen, um es so aromatisch und geschmackvoll wie möglich zu machen.

You need (for 2 people):

For the falafel balls/ für die Falafelbällchen:

- 3/4 cup of Sprouts (green lentils) /
3/4 Tasse Sprossen (grüne Tellerlinsen)
- 1/4 cup sunflower seeds / 1/4 Tasse Sonnenblumenkerne
- 1 carrot / Möhre
- 2 Tbsp Tahin (raw) / Tahin (roh)
- 1/2 cup of parsley / Petersilie
- 1/2 Tsp of chili flakes / Chili Flocken
- 1/2 Tsp of cumin / Kreuzkümmel
- 1 Tsp Spoon of lemon juice /Zitronensaft
- 1 garlic clove / Knoblauchzehe
- 1 Tbsp coriander seeds / Koriandersamen
- 2 sun dried tomatoes / getrocknete Tomaten
- 1/2 cup of sesame seeds / Sesamkörner

Soak the tomatoes for 30min. in water. Wash the parsley and carrot and cut into small pieces. Put all ingredients mentioned above except the sesame seeds into a mixer and mix together until the mash is smooth. Form little balls from the mash. Put the sesame seeds on a plate and roll the balls in the seeds so that a they cover the falafel balls. Put in the fridge for 20 min.

Serve in Radicchio Salad, tomato and mushrooms and a sauce you like (for example tahin-paprika sauce)

Die Tomaten für 30 min. in Wasser einlegen. Alle Zutaten außer der Sesamkörner in einen Mixer geben und mixen bis ein sämiger Brei entsteht. Formt den Brei in kleine Bällchen. Gebt die Sesamkörner auf einen Teller und rollt die Falafelbällchen darin, so dass sie die Oberfläche bedecken. Lass 20min. im Kühlschrank ziehen.

Serviere die Falafel in Radicchio Salat mit Tomate und Pilzen und einer Sauce, die du magst (z.B. Tahin-Paprika Sauce)

Bon Appetit! 

Montag, 17. März 2014

Chia Seed Pudding with Mango-Plum Mousse!

Dessert or Breakfast? You choose. I had it for breakfast 
You need (for 2 people):
- 1/2 a mango
- 2 big or 4 small plums
- 6 TbSp of chia seeds
- 1 cup of almond milk
- 2 dates
- 1 banana
- cinnamon

Soak the chia seeds for at least half an hour in the almond milk. Blend the mango, plums, dates and a pinch of cinnamon. Add a little water if needed but be careful it is a mousse not a smoothie  Cut the banana into slices. Layer the ingredients into a glass. First some of the soaked chia seeds, then banana slices, some of the mousse, then chia seeds again and then the mousse. Decorate with the cinnamon on top.
And now....Enjoy with a loved one. 

Samstag, 15. März 2014


Now and then I enjoy a sweet and fresh Coconut (Asian market Alexanderplatz - 1,80Euro). This one was full of water. hmmmmmm. Very good after a work out or for hangover. Have a lovely weekend.

Quinoa, Spinach, Egg - Quinoa, Spinat, Ei

Light vegetarian dish! Spinach, Quinoa and Egg on top.

Leichte vegetarische Kost. Spinat, Quinoa und ein Ei.

What you need (per person):
- 150-200g Spinach / Spinat
- 1/2 cup of Quinoa / 1/2 Tasse Quinoa
- 1 garlic clove / Knoblauchzehe
- 1 egg / Ei
- 1/2 a lemon / Zitrone
- 1 TbSp Olive Oil / Olivenöl
salt and pepper / Salz und Pfeffer

Cook 1 cup of filtered water (you always use double the amount of the Quinoa). Add a pinch of salt to the water. Add the Quinoa and simmer for 15min. until the water completely vaporized. Wash the spinach and cut the garlic. Steam the spinach with the garlic or cook shortly in a little bit of water. Put the egg on top of the spinach and cover for 3-5 min. Add some pepper on top of the egg and put some lemon juice and the olive oil on the spinach. Bon Appetit!

1 Tasse Wasser zum kochen bringen (man nimmt immer die doppelte Menge des Quinoa). Eine Prise Salz hinein geben dann den Quinoa. Ca. 15 min. auf kleiner Flamme köcheln lassen bis das Wasser vollständig verdampft ist. Den Spinat waschen und den Knoblauch klein schneiden und dann kurz dämpfen oder kurz in ein wenig Wasser köcheln. Das Ei darüber geben und mit geschlossenem Deckel 3-5min. garen lassen. Das Ei mit Pfeffer bestreuen. Den Spinat mit Zitronensaft und Olivenöl beträufeln. Bon Appetit. 

Freitag, 14. März 2014

Make your own Sprouts! Mach deine eigenen Sprossen!

Cheap, easy, delicious and super HEALTHY!

Put any seeds that you like into a jar. Soak with water for one day. Then wash with water every day. Keep them wet but not soaking until they sprout (don´t expose to sunlight). I prefer lentils and I put them onto nearly all dishes as you might have noticed! I even put them into Smoothies. They are super rich in protein, fiber that helps your body to break down fat, and high in vitamin A, B, C and E.

Sprossen selber zu machen ist viel günstiger, als sie im Supermarkt zu kaufen und super einfach.
Nimm eine Sorte Samen oder Hülsenfrüchte, die du gerne magst. Füll sie in einen Behälter, den du dann mit Wasser füllst. Nach einem Tag wäschst du den Inhalt gut und packst ihn wieder in den Behälter. Das machst du jeden Tag, bis der Inhalt gut sprießt. Halte die Samen feucht und stelle sie nicht ins Sonnenlicht. Linsensprossen schmecken mir am besten und du kannst sie für alle möglichen Gerichte verwenden oder in deinen Smoothie packen. Sprossen sind reich an Proteinen, Ballaststoffen und Vitamin A, B, C und E. 

Mittwoch, 12. März 2014

Green Smoothie with Kale and Raw Cacao Beans!

Superlicious Smoothie with Kale and Raw Cacao Beans!

Kale / Grünkohl
Mango / Mango
Coconut water / Kokosnusswasser
Raw Cacao beans / rohe Kakaobohnen
Passion Fruit / Maracuja
optional: Papaya

Blend, enjoy and spend the rest of the day outside in the sun! Get your vitamin D. This weather is so wonderful!!!

Superleckerer Smoothie mit Grünkohl und rohen Kakaobohnen!
Alle Zutaten ab in den Mixer und fertig. Nix wie raus in die Sonne mit deinem Smoothie und tanke etwas Vitamin D. Das Wetter ist der Wahnsinn!!!

Montag, 10. März 2014

Samstag, 8. März 2014

Asian Daikon Salad

Asian Daikon Salad!
Asiatischer Daikon (weißer Rettich) Salat!

Rich in vitamin C.

You will need:

For the salad

1 Daikon
1/2 bunch coriander
100g mushrooms
30g almonds
30g lentil sprouts
1 fresh thai chili

For the dressing:
90ml apple vinegar
30ml agave syrup
20ml dark soy sauce
2 or 3 fresh chili (ground)
1tbs salt
1/2tbs pepper

So then, first off; peel the outer layer of the Diakon like you would a carrot.Using a mandolin slicer (or sharp knife) cut the Diakon into thin rounds.
Chop the mushrooms into quarters. You can use them either raw or gently dry cook them in a hot pan.
Hack the almonds into small pieces. Be careful of your fingers!!
Finely chop the thai chili and fresh coriander.
Combine all the ingredients in a wooden salad bowl.

The dressing is super simple; combine all the ingredients and whisk together.
Pour the dressing over the salad.
Wait about 10mins to allow the diakon to absorb all the flavours.

Add the lentil sprouts just before serving so that they keep their fresh crunch.
As they say in Thailand- Aroy mak mak... super lekker

Donnerstag, 6. März 2014

Homemade Almond Milk! Hausgemachte Mandelmilch!

Make your own almond milk. Super easy super fast.
Tastes way better than the one from the supermarket and it is cheaper as well. Almond milk is good for headaches and environmentally more friendly than soy milk. It is supposed to be healthier than soy milk as well. Try to avoid soy in large quantities.

Mach deine eigene Mandelmilch!

What you need:
1 liter of filtered water/ 1l gefiltertes Wasser
1 cup of almonds/ eine Tasse Mandeln
stevia or vanilla / Stevia oder Vanille

Soak the almonds in the water over night (or 8-12h). Then blend. Pour through a nut milk bag (or a cloth if you don´t want to buy a nut milk bag - got mine online) and fill into a bottle. Sweeten as you wish. Keep in the fridge. It will stay fresh for 3-4 days. Almond milk is also very delicious in smoothies.

Die Mandeln über nacht in dem Wasser einweichen (8-9 Std.). Am nächsten Morgen im Mixer pürieren. Durch ein Passiertuch oder Nussmilchbeutel (online erhältlich) geben. Süße die Milch wie du es magst. Du kannst sie 3-4 Tage im Kühlschrank in einer verschlossenen Flasche aufbewahren.
Mandelmilch schmeckt auch sehr gut in Smoothies.

Mittwoch, 5. März 2014

Mango Carrot Soup

This is a very EASY and DELICIOUS recipe for you! MANGO-CARROT-SOUP. So here we go: 1,5 liter unfiltered water and 2x maggi fix for mango-carrot soup....NO! See recipe below. Very easy and healthy. Do not ask me about calories. I have no clue about this calorie-thing. And that´s what it looks like. Bon Appetit!

You need:
1.5 -2 kg of carrots
1 fresh mango (1,49 Euro at Kaisers in the moment-they always have the best mangos there!)
1 fresh or dried chili or chili powder
1 TbSp coconut oil (you can also use a different oil but coconut oil really makes the taste so special +it is healthier than most other oils)
2-3 garlic cloves
a small piece of ginger (half the size of your thumb)
1 onion
1.5-2 liters of water
sea salt

Optional: roasted sunflower seeds, sprouts, coriander, thai-basil

Melt the coconut oil in a big pot. Cut garlic, onions, chili and ginger into small pieces and fry shortly in the the big pot. Add boiling water. Wash and cut carrots add them to the water. Add half a TbSp of sea salt. Boil for ca. 40min. Peel Mango and cut it into pieces (remove pit) add to the soup. Blend it all with your hand-blender. Done.
Serve with sprouts or roasted sunflower seeds. Hmmmmm.

Red Smoothie

Red Smoothie! Good for your body AND BRAIN 

You need:
2-3 bananas
1 cup blueberries
1 cup raspberries (frozen)
1 TbSp chia seeds
1 TbSp raw cacao nibs
1 1/2 cups coconut water (1,79 Euro at dm)
2 basil leaves
1 date


Energy Balls

Are you tired, are you out of energy? OR do you want to feel even more powerful? You don´t need a nap you need a POWER SNACK aka Energy balls!!!
When I was younger I used to make fun of "hippies" who were selling energy balls out of some dusty colorful plastic bin at summer festivals. Well, now I LOVE them. They are a healthy and delicious alternative to chocolate bars and stuff like that and they are so easy to make.
Get the POWER!

You need:
250g of oat or spelt flakes
150g raisins
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seed
4 madjoul dates
1/4 cup of almond milk (or coconut water)
4-5 TbSp molasses, (raw) honey or agave syrup
1/2 cup dried coconut flakes

2 TbSP chia seeds
2 TbSP matcha tea
also you can use any kind of soft dried fruits you like

What to do:
- cut dates into small pieces, blend the coconut flakes

Put the oat flakes, raisins, half of the half cup sesame seeds and coconut flakes , sunflower seeds, dates, molasses, (matcha and chia seeds) and almond milk into a bowl.
Be careful with the almond milk, use only a little bit and if the mix still seems to be to dry add more. It has to be kind of dry. It should not have a liquid consistency at any stage.
If you have the feeling it is not sticking together properly add more of molasses and if after 3 spoons of molasses you have the feeling it is sticky enough do not use more!
Form little balls of the mix and roll them in the rest of the sesame seeds or blended coconut flakes.
Keep them in the fridge. They should be good for 4-5 days.
Bring them to work or give them to your friends or neighbors.
 Good luck!

Dienstag, 4. März 2014

More About Me

I am a german student of Childhood Studies and Children´s Rights with a BA in Islamic Studies- I am also an examined foreign language correspondent and am currently working for an NGO in Berlin that cares for young asylum seekers in Germany.

So now you are probably asking yourself: what has this to do with food and health? The answer is - Nothing! This is just what I do besides reading books about raw food and other healthy diets. My mother always cared a lot about a healthy lifestyle and diet and so I grew up with a great consciousness of eating healthy, which became a quite natural way of living for me and which I ever since practiced with great passion and fun. Eating healthy for me is a never ending adventure. I always find out something new and it never gets boring. I see it as a kind of self experiment. 

A healthy lifestyle is not a sacrifice for me and I am also not doing this because I want to loose weight. I belong to the people who can eat and eat and never get really fat. Sorry ;) Actually I had quite the opposite experiences - People would ask me if I am ok, that I look too skinny and believe me or not but I imagine this is as annoying as somebody telling you that you are too fat. That´s why I had short periods in my life when I was younger where I would stuff myself with all sorts of sugary sweets and other stuff. 
No, I just want to live healthy. I want to feel vivid and energetic. I want to glow and feel really good about myself. I have seen a lot of people suffering health wise (mentally and physically - often this is interdependent)and so I am always very thankful of what I have. Keeping me healthy with this way of life is like worshipping my body and soul. And a healthy lifestyle includes so much more than only food. It is a about what you think about yourself, what you think about others,  how you are treating yourself - do you criticize yourself a lot for example? Are you exploiting your body? Are you putting yourself under constant stress? Do you give yourself breaks? Do you forgive yourself? Are you drinking too much alcohol? And then there are more things that are important like sleeping enough, connection with other people, relationships, exercising/work out, if you feel fulfilled with your work, spirituality...etc.

Writing this Blog I would like to mainly focus on healthy food. I will also get back to some of these other points that I mentioned before, but I would like to take you with me on my journey through the jungle of diets, some myths about some foods and diets, a journey that comes across so many obstacles and misunderstandings and confusion sometimes. Every day I find so many posts and adds of what is the best way to eat, which supplement to take, which superfood to buy, weird statistics and studies...IT IS VERY CONFUSING SOMETIMES. And it takes a lot of time to find your way through this (Do not believe all this stuff on the internet. Get good and sufficient literature and inform yourself as much as possible). So I hope by showing you my way, my journey I might inspire you and give you new insights. 

You know,  a few years ago I started to read a lot about raw food and a lot of these things made much sense to me so I integrated raw food more and more into my daily life until last year I started to eat completely raw and I have to say I felt really amazing and it had a lot of health benefits for me. Before I suffered from heartburn and I felt exhausted all the time and I could not sleep well, my skin looked sallow although I was eating really healthy and I was wondering where this came from...So all these symptoms  disappeared even quite quickly on my raw food diet. I felt energetic and fresh so I started to work out a lot and I felt so much better about myself. 

Then the winter came and there were way less fruits and vegetables available (in Germany food can still be very seasonal) and sometimes I would feel like eating something warm and a friend of mine told me that in chinese medicine they say you should eat hot/cooked food in the winter what also made sense to me. Then I started to study again and I had less time and I did not get used enough to making raw food very quickly so I was lacking time to prepare the food all the time. One thing came to the other and I felt that I have to change my diet again. 
So I started to eat a "normal vegetarian partly vegan" diet. I could still profit from my health benefits of the raw food diet. And I was still eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Also, as my boyfriend is a chef in a vegan restaurant, the food we eat is pretty amazing. 

When I was living on a raw food diet I was a little disturbed about the regimental way of doing it by this "movement" and also by the fact that many foodists claim that they are "green", and care so much for the environment and then order their fruits that have to be flown in from costa rica and thailand or somewhere else. 
I felt a little bit confused. If I lived in a country where I could naturally have all these fruits available all the time I would definitely live mostly or only raw. At the same time I want a diet and lifestyle that is healthy and makes me feel good but is also practicable where I live. 
Another factor is that it should be socially practicable. Oh talking about this, there is one BIG RULE for me because I travel a lot or might even live for a while in a different country - I made this rule that whenever I am in a new environment, in a different culture I will always respect the culture and customs. So when I am invited and they cook for me and it is considered to be rude to turn down the meal I would most likely eat the meat or whatever they cooked that I would usually never eat. You might consider this opportunistic or something else but this is one of my core principals. It really depends on the circumstances and if I feel that there is room to mention my diet I would try to explain and eat what is the best option in that moment. Life is an adventure and you should stay open and flexible and certain situations really require flexibility. 

There is another point I want to talk about which is pretty important that people tend to ignore by trying to do everything right or to stick to one diet no matter what. It is INTUITION. This is really important. You should listen to your body. Your body will always tell you what you need. I am not talking about - Oh my body tells me I really should eat this cream cake or I should really smoke this cigarette. NO! You should not give in cravings. But maybe you life according to a certain diet and you feel dizzy or weak. That is a sign. You should really listen to it and not ignore these signs. Or you do not like the smell of a certain fruit but you convince yourself because it is supposed to be very good for you...yeah maybe but maybe it is not good for YOU! Listening to your body is one of the most important things also when it comes to other aspects of your life. 

Recently I felt that I have found a really balanced way of eating healthy which fits quite well into my lifestyle and integrates all the aspect that I like. I feel very good and powerful with this diet. I still eat I would say 70 - 80% raw. But if I feel like eating a hot soup I make one or I am out the whole day and I have to eat somewhere I eat the healthiest option available there. 
I really like roasted sunflower seeds on my salad for example. It gives a special taste to my salads as well as steamed mushrooms and I have to say I cannot see any bad in that. Once a week I might feel like eating an omelette so I eat it. I get my eggs from the farm though. I avoid white bread and I do not want to eat much pasta and white rice and oil. I use oil as little as possible and if I do I use good oils. For frying for example sesame oil is really good because it does not burn so fast. I prefer steamed over cooked...So I integrate a lot of the things I have read about and made my own special diet out of it. 

So GET INSPIRED by my special recipes and tips for a healthy lifestyle and listen to yourself. Be creative, inform yourself, be good to yourself!
And if you have any questions or you want me to write something in German you can always get back to me. I am happy to help you and hope you are enjoying this journey with me! 

Broccoli Salad

I hope you had a good start into the week. To make it even better try this SUPER TASTY Broccoli Salad with mushrooms. Get your greens! Broccoli is rich in calcium, iron and B12 which is good for your brain and heart. So let´s get started!

You need:
450g Broccoli
200g mushrooms (white mushroom or shiitake)
1/2 a lemon
4TbSp sunflower seeds
1 clove of garlic
1 stalk of celery
1 TbSp of olive oil
1/4 cup of filtered water
optional: soy sauce

Wash the broccoli and cut or break it into pieces. If you like the big stalk cut it as well (I left it out). Wash the celery and cut it into pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices.
Cut garlic into pieces. Juice the lemon.
Put the water and the garlic into a pan and heat it up. Add mushrooms and heat until water vaporizes a little and mushrooms soften slightly (add a drop of soy sauce if you like or a pinch of salt). Put the Broccoli and celery into a bowl. Add lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of pepper. Add the mushrooms and the rest of the water from the pan. Roast the sunflower seeds and put them on top. Toss the ingredients together.
Hmmmmmmm. Enjoy!

Matcha Latte

START your day with an energizing MATCHA LATTE!
Matcha is a high quality, japanese powdered green tea made of shadow grown tea leaves. It has several health benefits such as increase of energy, boost of memory and concentration, improves cholesterol, detoxifies your body and it is rich in anti-aging antioxidants. You can get it in good tea shops or online. I really like it and it even replaced my morning coffee. I usually drink it with almond milk.
So try it out!

How to make matcha latte:
Put half a tea spoon of matcha powder in a bowl. Boil some filtered water. Let it cool down a little (70-80 degrees-means wait 3-5min. after boiling) Fill the water into the bowl (1/4 of the bowl) and whisk it with a whisk. Heat up the almond milk (don´t boil!). Whisk the milk. Add to the tea. Add stevia or vanilla if you like it sweet. Enjoy. Go for a run!

Jackfruit Pineapple OJ or only Jackfruit OJ

Pineapple OJ with JACKFRUIT!!!! This is a dream. My absolute favorite and very high in magnesium.

Add some frozen Jackfruit (you can get it in the Asian Market) to your (Pineapple) OJ - blend and fall in love with this really super delicious drink.